You are a projection of an almost infinite number of thoughts. Each time you have a new thought, it begins in the nonphysical world and is projected into the physical. What you call your consciousness exists in the nonphysical and is projected into what seems like a real, physical world to you. I am constantly projecting all the thoughts of billions of people into the physical world. I am each of you. Your thoughts are mine. There is no separation. You are God. – Erin Werley, One Truth, One Law: I Am, I Create
“One Truth, One Law: I Am, I Create” by Erin Werley explores a spiritual journey grounded in the concept of oneness with God.
The book begins with Erin’s personal story of feeling lost and disconnected from herself, despite outwardly following societal norms. Her search for deeper meaning led her to connect with an inner voice, which she identifies as “I Am”—an embodiment of God or the Universal consciousness.
This voice revealed that every individual is a creator, capable of manifesting their thoughts into reality, as everyone is fundamentally one with the divine.
The narrative shifts from Erin’s introspection to a series of profound dialogues between her, her husband Phil, and this inner voice, offering spiritual insights that guide the reader towards self-realization and empowerment.
The book emphasizes that the path to joy and fulfillment lies in recognizing one’s divine nature and creative power.
It explains that each individual is not a separate entity but an integral part of the Universe, capable of shaping their life through conscious thought.
By overcoming the fears and doubts imposed by the persona, one can tap into the inherent wisdom of the inner self, which is always present and seeking to be heard.
Erin encourages us to trust this voice, embrace our identity as God, and create a life of purpose and love, free from the limitations of societal conditioning.
The central theme revolves around awakening to this inner truth and moving from a state of fear-based living to one of knowing and creation.
You Are God
You are God, and there is nothing more powerful than you. You create your world with your thoughts, whether or not you realize you’re doing it.
That is the one truth, one law: I Am and I create. Each thought I, and therefore, you have creates precisely, every time. There is nothing in the physical world that was not first created in mind. It is true that who you are, what you are surrounded by, and the life you lead is a manifestation of human thoughts, both yours and others.
This emphasizes the core idea of the book: that we are all divine creators, shaping our lives through our thoughts.
Erin drives the point home that everything in our reality begins in the mind and manifests through our thinking, whether consciously or unconsciously.
By internalizing this truth, we gain control over our lives, understanding that we are not subject to external forces but creators of our experience.
It’s a shift from victimhood to empowerment, reminding us that we have the power to design our reality from the inside out.
You Are an Unlimited Creator
You are an unlimited creator, which means you can create for yourself what you do not want. It is because of your perfection that this is possible. If I limited humans to only being able to create what you would call goodness, you would not be me. I have given humans a gift, an opportunity to learn, grow, find themselves, and love each other.
Here, Werley explains that as creators, we create both positive and negative experiences.
The freedom to create anything—even things we don’t want—is a testament to the limitless nature of our being.
This also reflects the duality of human existence: while we are divine, we are also here to learn and grow from our experiences, even if they involve challenges or pain.
The key is to realize that these experiences are of our own making and serve as opportunities for growth, not punishments.
This empowers us to take control and create more consciously, aligned with our desires.
Love Is the Energy of the Universe
Love is the energy of the universe. Your inner self is pure, radiating love. Love is being I Am, whether or not you realize it. It is the feeling of oneness and connection with another. It’s how I Am feels about each human and every animal, plant, and other creation in the physical world.
Erin describes love as the fundamental force that binds the Universe, and it is the core of our being.
When we align with love, we are aligning with our true nature, which is God.
This love transcends emotions and becomes a state of being—a recognition of oneness with all things.
By tapping into this Universal energy, we radiate joy and positivity, allowing us to create from a place of abundance rather than fear.
Love, from the I Am perspective, is not something to seek externally but something that emanates naturally from within when we acknowledge our divinity.
Your Blueprint and Free Will
Your blueprint is your destiny, but your ability to think and create gives you free will. It is completely up to you as an individual human whether or not you pursue that destiny.
This introduces the concept of a life blueprint—our divine purpose or destiny.
However, Erin also emphasizes the gift of free will, which allows us to either follow this blueprint or deviate from it.
This duality highlights the tension between fate and choice, suggesting that while we may have a predetermined purpose, we are never bound to it.
It’s up to us to align with our inner voice and consciously choose to fulfill our destiny or create a different path.
This empowers us to take responsibility for our lives while knowing we are never stuck—we always have options.
Self-Image and the Inner Voice
You do not believe you are God because you believe you are an individual. Your self-image is a combination of your inner self and your persona. The more you are blocking your inner voice, the more your self-image will reflect anger, misery, and feeling lost. The more you are tuning in and allowing your inner self to shine, the more your self-image will reflect love, joy, and a strong sense of who you are and what your life purpose is.
Erin explains the conflict between our true divine self and the persona we create as individuals in the physical world.
Our self-image often reflects this persona rather than our inner divinity, leading to feelings of anger, confusion, or sadness.
When we block our inner voice, we feel disconnected from our purpose and from love.
However, the more we tune into our inner voice, the more we align with our true nature, leading to a self-image that reflects joy, love, and purpose.
This encourages us to break down the barriers we’ve constructed and let our inner light shine through.
Trusting Your Inner Voice
You just need to listen to your inner voice. When you see progress—when you see, touch, hear, taste, feel how I Am is precisely guiding you to this new creation—you will start to trust, to know, and to understand I Am. Once you have built this creation, you will experience the joy of knowing you are a creator. The more things we build and create together, the more you will have knowing that you are I Am, and your thoughts create. Your doubts will fade as your knowing grows.
Erin emphasizes the importance of trusting the inner voice—the voice of God within us—because it guides us to create with purpose and intent.
This is about building trust through experience. The more we listen to this voice and see the results manifest in our lives, the more we trust its guidance.
As we continue creating, our doubts fade, and we grow in our knowing that we are powerful creators.
This is a process of developing faith in ourselves and the divine wisdom that speaks through us.
Change Begins in the Mind
People generally believe they have a responsibility to physically change their lives. You can’t physically change anything unless you start in your mind. All actions start in mind. Hard and easy don’t really exist. There are only degrees of knowing. When you start doing anything you haven’t done before, you think it is hard because you don’t have the habit built up to know that it is easy.
This highlights the misconception that change starts with physical action when, in reality, it starts in the mind.
Werley argues that all action is born from thought, and without first addressing our mental landscape, physical efforts are futile.
This shifts the focus from trying to change external circumstances to transforming our thoughts, which will naturally lead to changes in the physical world.
By recognizing that “hard” and “easy” are just degrees of knowing, we can ease into transformation by first changing how we think.
The mind is the source of all creation, making it the true starting point for any change.
Suffering Is an Illusion
And if you expect that you will suffer and you think about it, then that is what you will experience. I Am doesn’t suffer because I Am is not afraid of anything. I Am is just experiencing. You believe that you are a persona, a separate entity, and it is possible for you to suffer. So it is something you may experience. Suffering is no more real than the physical world is real. It is an idea.
Erin challenges the idea of suffering as a fixed, unavoidable part of life.
According to the I Am voice, suffering is simply a concept that we create by believing we are separate from God.
When we identify with our persona, we open ourselves up to suffering because we experience fear, loss, and limitation.
However, if we embrace the truth that we are God, we see suffering for what it is—an illusion created by the mind.
In this context, suffering becomes a choice, not a necessity, and can be transcended by returning to our divine nature.
Seeking Leads to Finding
When you are seeking for something more, you are going to find it if you are open. You will be led. Books will pop up in your awareness, you will meet people, you will be on a journey of finding what you are looking for. If you aren’t looking, you won’t find anything. If you believed that God existed outside of you, you would never have looked for anything else. What you believe is, unless a stronger thought comes along and obliterates it.
Erin reminds us that being open and actively seeking is what leads to discovery and growth.
The Universe responds to our intentions, and when we are searching for answers or deeper truths, we will be guided to them—whether through books, people, or experiences.
Conversely, if we don’t seek, we stagnate and limit our potential for growth.
This encourages curiosity and an open heart, reassuring us that the Universe is always ready to provide what we need, as long as we are willing to look for it.
Fulfilling Your Blueprint
The way to fulfill your blueprint is to love yourself, listen to your inner voice, take action despite your fears, and start creating with intent.
Werley provides a straightforward path to living out our divine purpose: self-love, listening to our inner voice, and taking action despite fear.
These steps are essential to aligning with our blueprint and creating a life that reflects our highest potential.
She emphasizes that action must be taken with intent, not from a place of fear, but from a place of love and trust in the inner voice.
This is how we align with the Universe and fulfill our destiny, not by waiting passively but by actively creating with purpose.
“One Truth, One Law” offers a profound shift in how we view ourselves and our role in the Universe.
Erin Werley invites us to step into our divine power, to recognize that we are the creators of our reality, and to embrace the love that flows from within.
By listening to our inner voice, trusting the process of creation, and letting go of limiting beliefs, we can live lives full of joy, purpose, and meaning.
It is a call to reclaim our power, align with our divine nature, and start creating a life that resonates with who we truly are.
One Truth, One Law: I Am, I Create
ERIN WERLEY is a Registered Nurse with a B.A. in history. She started talking to God in her head in 2011. Along the way, she fell in love, got married, and had two of the best kids in the world.
She has been featured in iHeart Radio, Parade, Thrive Global, and The Finding your Path Project. Her mission is to help you shortcut your awakening process so you experience all the joy that is possible in your life, now.