In truth there is no right or wrong. There is no polarity for all will be, as you would say, reconciled at some point in your dance through the mind/body/spirit complex which you amuse yourself by distorting in various ways at this time. This distortion is not in any case necessary. It is chosen by each of you as an alternative to understanding the complete unity of thought which binds all things. You are not speaking of similar or somewhat like entities or things. You are every thing, every being, every emotion, every event, every situation. You are unity. You are infinity. You are love/light, light/love. You are. This is the Law of One. – The Ra Material
The Law of One material, often referred to as “The Ra Material,” is a series of channeled texts that were transmitted between 1981 and 1984 by a consciousness calling itself “Ra” through a group led by Carla L. Rueckert, Don Elkins, and Jim McCarty.
These texts are foundational in certain esoteric and metaphysical circles and delve into profound spiritual and philosophical concepts.
Who is Ra?
Ra identifies itself as a collective consciousness or a “social memory complex” that exists in the sixth density of consciousness.
Ra claims to have previously interacted with humanity, notably during ancient Egyptian times, where it attempted to assist in the spiritual evolution of humanity by sharing knowledge.
However, Ra explains that their attempts were often misunderstood or misused, contributing to the distortion of their original teachings.
Here’s an overview of the core ideas found within The Law of One material:
The Law of One
At the heart of the material is the assertion that all things, beings, and experiences are interconnected as part of the “One Infinite Creator.”
In Ra’s teachings, the primary law is that “All is One.” Every entity, event, and experience is a manifestation of the Creator knowing itself through creation.
Separation is considered an illusion, and the goal of existence is to reunite with this singular source of all being.
Densities of Consciousness
The material describes different levels of existence, known as “densities,” through which souls evolve. These densities represent stages of spiritual and conscious evolution:
- First Density: Basic elements such as earth, air, water, and fire—associated with the creation of awareness.
- Second Density: Plants and animals—associated with growth and movement toward self-awareness.
- Third Density: Human life—characterized by self-awareness, individuality, and choice, including the choice of service to others (positive polarity) or service to self (negative polarity).
- Fourth Density: A level of existence where love and understanding dominate. It’s a collective consciousness focused on learning lessons of love.
- Fifth Density: The density of wisdom, where the lessons focus on learning the truths of the Universe.
- Sixth Density: The density of unity, where love and wisdom are balanced. Ra exists in this density.
- Seventh Density: The gateway to infinity, where souls prepare to reunite with the Creator.
- Eighth Density: The return to the Source, completing the cycle of evolution.
Polarity and Choice
The third density, where humans currently exist, is described as a pivotal density in the soul’s evolution because of the “Choice.” Souls in this density are given free will to choose between two primary paths:
- Service to Others (positive polarity): A path of love, compassion, and unity, where the individual seeks to aid others and promote collective well-being.
- Service to Self (negative polarity): A path of self-centeredness and control, where the individual prioritizes their own power and benefit at the expense of others.
The lessons learned in the third density affect a soul’s evolution into higher densities, and each soul must achieve a certain level of polarity to ascend to the next density.
Harvest and Ascension
Ra discusses the concept of a “harvest,” which refers to the transition of souls from one density to the next based on their level of spiritual evolution.
In the context of Earth, Ra explains that humanity is approaching a time of harvest, where those who are sufficiently polarized (either positively or negatively) may ascend to the next density.
This idea of harvest is somewhat analogous to the concept of ascension or spiritual evolution that other metaphysical and New Age teachings discuss.
Free Will
Free will is emphasized as a core principle in the Universe. It allows individuals to make choices about how they wish to evolve and what path they wish to follow (service to others or service to self).
The Law of One stresses that honoring free will is crucial, and this is one of the reasons Ra avoids imposing their will or knowledge upon others without permission.
Ra explains that challenges, difficulties, and emotional experiences in life are “catalysts“ for spiritual growth.
These catalysts help individuals develop their polarity (service to others or service to self) and refine their understanding of love, compassion, wisdom, and unity.
The Veil of Forgetting
In The Law of One, Ra discusses the concept of the “veil” that is placed over the conscious mind when a soul incarnates in the third density.
This veil causes humans to forget their true spiritual nature and their connection to the One Infinite Creator.
The purpose of this forgetting is to allow for the full exercise of free will. Without the veil, individuals would have direct knowledge of the unity of all things, and the choices between service to self and service to others would not be as meaningful.
The veil allows for more authentic experiences, challenges, and opportunities for growth, as people must rediscover their divine nature.
Karma and Balancing
Karma, as described in The Law of One, refers to the concept of balancing energy distortions created by past actions.
If an individual engages in actions that are out of alignment with love and unity, they create an imbalance or distortion that must be reconciled over time.
These imbalances are typically addressed through life experiences designed to provide opportunities for learning and growth. The goal is to restore harmony and balance, whether it’s in this life or future incarnations.
In the grand scheme, all imbalances are part of the soul’s journey toward spiritual evolution.
Healing and Self-Knowledge
Healing, according to Ra, is not merely the removal of illness or pain but the re-establishment of balance and alignment within the mind, body, and spirit.
True healing comes from a deep understanding of the self and the distortions (emotional, mental, or physical) that have led to disharmony.
The key to healing is recognizing that all experiences—whether painful or joyous—are catalysts for growth.
By achieving self-awareness and understanding one’s thoughts, emotions, and actions, an individual can resolve these distortions and align more closely with their higher self and the One Infinite Creator.
The Role of Wanderers
In The Law of One, Ra speaks about “Wanderers,” who are beings from higher densities that have incarnated into the third-density experience to assist humanity during this time of transition.
These beings have volunteered to come to Earth to help raise the vibrational level of the planet and support others in their spiritual evolution.
However, when they incarnate, they pass through the veil of forgetting like everyone else and may not consciously remember their mission.
Wanderers often feel a sense of not belonging or a deep inner calling to serve humanity and seek to awaken to their purpose during their lifetimes.
Ra’s View on Humanity
Ra describes humanity as being in the transition phase from third density to fourth density. The challenges, upheavals, and global transformations currently being experienced are seen as part of this shift.
The material suggests that Earth is moving into a fourth-density vibration, and this is why there is a heightened sense of polarity (e.g., conflicts between positive and negative forces) at this time.
Those who are sufficiently polarized toward service to others will ascend to this higher-density Earth.
Significance of The Law of One Material
The Law of One material has influenced various spiritual movements, particularly within New Age and esoteric circles. It provides a framework for understanding the Universe as an interconnected and evolving system, with free will, love, and polarity at its core.
Though it shares similarities with other teachings on ascension, consciousness, and spiritual evolution, the material is unique in its depth and the way it describes metaphysical concepts such as densities, collective consciousness, and the intricate relationship between free will and cosmic law.
For many, The Law of One serves as a guide for personal spiritual growth, offering perspectives on how to navigate life’s challenges, serve others, and align with the broader purpose of existence: returning to the One Infinite Creator.