How do I use The Path to Awesomeness Starter Kit?
The Path to Awesomeness Starter Kit is a set of easy-to-follow audio and visual guides for you to learn the tools and techniques from a combination of various different healing modalities to help you heal yourself, stay healthy, and live an awesome life.
All you need to do is listen to the guided meditation tracks and practice the exercises provided in the manual.
How does The Path to Awesomeness Starter Kit work?
While conventional therapy deals with the symptoms of disease (physical), The Path to Awesomeness Starter Kit works on the root cause of it (non-physical).
For example, Fred’s hyperthyroidism was a symptom of energy blockage or imbalance on his throat chakra. The starter kit works by clearing the blockage and restoring balance to that chakra, thereby curing the symptoms of disease as well.
The body can heal itself. But you need to be in the right state of consciousness for that to happen. That’s what The Path to Awesomeness Starter Kit is for. It helps you elevate to the level of Great Health & Vitality — the “Awesomeness Zone.” (see image below)
Simply put, The Path to Awesomeness Starter Kit helps your body heal itself.
Is it okay to use if I’m on other health protocols?
YES, The Path to Awesomeness Starter Kit will work well with any other health protocols, both traditional and non-traditional therapies.
It also provides you a solid foundation for other advanced healing modalities that you wish to further incorporate in your health regimen.
How soon can I expect results?
The Path to Awesomeness Starter Kit is not a “magic pill,” but give it time and it will work its magic on you.
The results differ from person to person and so is the time it takes to have them.
Healing can be spontaneous but most of the time, it’s a gradual process. See “How Healing Actually Works” in The Awesome Life (free e-book) to have a better picture.
How is The Path to Awesomeness Starter Kit different from the free online resources?
The tools and techniques in The Path to Awesomeness Starter Kit are specifically put together because they work in synergy to enhance their healing effect.
Take the Daily AWEffirmations set as an example. The accompanying healing music is tuned to resonate with the vibrational frequency of each chakra. The soundtracks are personally handpicked by Fred, outsourced from a notable musician in the healing arts, and therefore not readily available elsewhere.
That’s how much awesome value you will be getting from The Path to Awesomeness Starter Kit. And to live healthy ever after? It’s more than worth it!