What will you find in "The AWESOME Life"?

Discover how I went from incurable to INCREDIBLE, from suffer to SUPER, from awful to AWESOME… and how you can too, in this free e-book.

Holistic Healing

The difference between conventional and natural medicine and what works better for you

The Healing Crisis

The most important aspect of the healing process you must know

The Ultimate Key to Healing

How this one key unlocks all doors to healing yourself

The Truth About Diet and Calories

Practical tips to losing weight the healthy way

Nutritional Supplementation

The easiest and most convenient way to boost your health

About the Author

Frederick Espiritu

FREDERICK ESPIRITU is a practicing telecom engineer for many years.
But after personally having dealt with a chronic illness and the passing of his father, he has devoted himself to a lifelong commitment to healing works.

Following the founding of Friggies, a mission-driven enterprise grounded on his advocacy, he soon rediscovered writing as a channel for healing and inspiration.

He envisions a disease-free world for humanity.