When we get in touch with the energy within our chakras, we connect with ourselves more fully, and learn how to heal ourselves on all levels, creating true holistic healing. – Margarita Alcantara
In Chakras 101, we covered the basics of chakra and an overview of chakra healing tools and techniques to balance these energy centers for overall wellbeing.
Now, we’ll be going into more detail about the seven chakras individually and some actionable steps we can take to get started with chakra healing.
In her bestselling book, Chakra Healing, Margarita Alcantara does an amazing job of outlining, as the subtitle says, A Beginner’s Guide to Self-Healing Techniques that Balance the Chakras. I must mention that not only are the contents beginner-friendly, but their colorful presentation makes reading and learning such a delightful experience.
The set of self-healing techniques is comprised of meditation and yoga practices, crystals and essential oils, and other practical tips.
Let’s have a closer look as we go through each of the seven chakras…
The root chakra is all about being grounded, feeling secure that your basic needs are being met, and feeling connected to your family and tribal consciousness in healthy ways.
Root Chakra Meditation
- While sitting or lying comfortably, take three slow, deep breaths through your nose. Each time you inhale, imagine the breath energizing your perineum—the area between the genitals and the anus. Each time you exhale, release anything you may be holding in that area. It could be your fears, expectations, or anything else. What I’d like to add is to imagine yourself growing your roots beneath your feet deeply into the core of Mother Earth and releasing anything that weighs you down. You may either place one hand over the heart chakra (chest area) – because it’s the energy center for healing – and the other hand over the root chakra.
- Gently tap at the top of the pubic bone or both sides of your lower hips to activate the energy in that area.
- As you continue to inhale and exhale through the nose, imagine a red sphere of light in that area, pulsing and growing larger as you breathe. Margarita adds that those who identify with male energy should whirl the sphere clockwise and those who identify with female energy should whirl the sphere counterclockwise.
- Allow yourself to go deeper and deeper into a very relaxed state and then ask your root chakra what it needs right now. Be aware of the feelings and insights you may receive and jot them down in a journal after your meditation. Act on those whenever you feel inspired to.
- To end your meditation, take three slow, deep breaths, directing the energy of your inhale into the soles of your feet to ground yourself. And then gently open your eyes.
Crystals for the Root Chakra
- Ruby, garnet, black tourmaline, bloodstone, hematite, obsidian, onyx, red jasper, lodestone, smoky quartz, and fire agate (Check out The Crystal Chakra Alignment Set)
- Set the intention to use these crystals for healing and do the following steps for cleansing them:
- Smudge with white sage. Simply light the tip of a white sage bundle until it begins to smoke, blow out the flame, and hold the crystal in the rising smoke for a few seconds while setting your intention to connect with your root chakra.
- Lay the crystal overnight under the moonlight.
- Soak them in salt water shortly and then rinse them well with running water.
- To use the crystal, you may either hold it in your left hand – the receiving hand – to receive the crystal’s healing energy, or place it on top of your pubic bone. Feel the sensation and observe any insight that may arise in your awareness.
Essential Oils for the Root Chakra
- Myrrh, vetiver, sandalwood, patchouli, and spikenard
- Single oil or a blend of your preference can be used. Add 5 or 6 drops maximum per oil to a dime-size portion of carrier oil (such as jojoba oil). Margarita recommends applying the essential oils directly to the chakra areas. Alternatively, especially if you have sensitive skin, you may also put the mixture in your hands and rub them together. Open your hands and inhale the fragrance. Then, place your hands over your pubic bone and/or surrounding areas.
Root Chakra Affirmations
Follow through the steps for the crystals and essential oils and couple them with affirmations. You may also do affirmations during your meditation practice while you are visualizing the sphere of light.
- I am safe and secure.
- I am grounded, centered, and balanced.
- I can now relax and let go.
- I am right here, right now.
- I am fully connected to my body.
- I am at ease and comfortable with my body.
- My body loves me unconditionally.
You can also simply plug in your earphones and listen to the Daily AWEffirmations included in The Path to Awesomeness Starter Kit so you can immerse yourself fully into these self-healing practices.
Yoga for the Root Chakra
Warrior I, Warrior II, Tree Pose, and Chair Pose. Standing Forward Bend and Head-to-Knee Pose. Reclining Bound Angle Pose, Supported Corpse Pose, and Supported Child’s Pose.
The sacral plexus chakra is all about connecting with your emotions, creative expression, sexuality, and abundance in healthy ways.
Sacral Chakra Meditation
Repeat the same process outlined above in the root chakra section, replacing the corresponding body part and color. So respectively, that’s below the navel (instead of the perineum or pubic bone) and an orange sphere of light (instead of a red one). Again, connect your heart and sacral chakras by placing each of your hands over them.
Crystals for the Sacral Chakra
- Carnelian, amber, moonstone, coral, orange tourmaline, and sunstone
- Similar cleansing process and therapeutic practice as outlined above in the root chakra section but placing the crystal below the navel
Essential Oils for the Sacral Chakra
- Ylang-ylang, lemon, patchouli, rosewood, and sandalwood
- Similar therapeutic practice as outlined above in the root chakra section but applying the essential oils with a cotton ball around the sacral chakra region located below the navel
Sacral Chakra Affirmations
- I live a creative and happy life.
- I feel love, joy, and peace.
- I bask in the pleasure brought by experiences in life.
- I enjoy what I do and I’m having fun.
- I honor my sexuality as part of my spirituality.
- I enjoy a healthy and passionate life.
- My desires and feelings are healthy.
Yoga for the Sacral Chakra
Child’s Pose, Happy Baby Pose, and Downward Facing Dog. Cow Face Pose, Bound Angle Pose, Open Angel Pose, and the forward bending of the legs in the first stage of Pigeon Pose.
The solar plexus chakra is all about standing in your power, getting in touch with your inner warrior fire, and self-esteem.
Solar Plexus Chakra Meditation
Repeat the same process outlined above in the root chakra section, replacing the corresponding body part and color. So respectively, that’s above the navel (instead of the perineum or pubic bone) and a yellow sphere of light (instead of a red one). Again, connect your heart and solar plexus chakras by placing each of your hands over them.
Crystals for the Solar Plexus Chakra
- Yellow citrine, amber, yellow topaz, yellow tiger’s eye, yellow agate, and rutilated quartz
- Similar cleansing process and therapeutic practice as outlined above in the root chakra section but placing the crystal above the navel
Essential Oils for the Solar Plexus Chakra
- Lemon, lavender, Roman chamomile, rosewood, and rosemary
- Similar therapeutic practice as outlined above in the root chakra section but applying the essential oils with a cotton ball around the solar plexus chakra region located above the navel
Solar Plexus Chakra Affirmations
- Today is an awesome day.
- Every day in every way, I am getting better and better.
- I can be, do, and have anything.
- I have the power to manifest my dreams.
- I am God’s powerful co-creator.
- Awesomeness is my being.
- Love is my superpower.
Yoga for the Solar Plexus Chakra
Cat Pose, Cow Pose, Sun Salutation, Boat Pose, or Half Boat Pose.
The heart chakra is all about being connected with yourself, as well as cultivating joy, self-love, and compassion.
Heart Chakra Meditation
Repeat the same process outlined above in the root chakra section, replacing the corresponding body part and color. So respectively, that’s the center of your chest (instead of the perineum or pubic bone) and a green sphere of light (instead of a red one). This time, you can place both of your hands over your chest area.
Crystals for the Heart Chakra
- Rose quartz, emerald, green tourmaline, jade, green calcite, green kyanite, and peridot
- Similar cleansing process and therapeutic practice as outlined above in the root chakra section but placing the crystal over the center of your chest
Essential Oils for the Heart Chakra
- Rose, geranium, neroli, palmarosa, bergamot, lavender, melissa/lemon balm, and ylang-ylang
- Similar therapeutic practice as outlined above in the root chakra section but applying the essential oils with a cotton ball around the heart chakra region located at the center of your chest
Heart Chakra Affirmations
- I am made of love and love is who I am.
- I am beautiful inside and out.
- I anchor my heart in truth, love, and God’s grace.
- I am ready to receive love.
- I love and accept myself unconditionally right now.
- I forgive myself and others.
- I accept myself as I am in this moment.
Yoga for the Heart Chakra
Camel Pose, Seated Spinal Twist, and Eagle Pose.
The throat chakra is all about speaking your truth, effectively communicating your needs, and expressing yourself.
Throat Chakra Meditation
Repeat the same process outlined above in the root chakra section, replacing the corresponding body part and color. So respectively, that’s at the front area of your throat (instead of the perineum or pubic bone) and a light blue sphere of light (instead of a red one). Again, connect your heart and throat chakras by placing each of your hands over them.
Because the spiritual chakras (what I call the “part-divine,” while the first 3 chakras are the “part-human”) start with the throat chakra, it’s important that you end your meditation with the grounding process described in the root chakra section.
Crystals for the Throat Chakra
- Turquoise, blue kyanite, aquamarine, celestite, iolite, sodalite, and lapis lazuli
- Similar cleansing process and therapeutic practice as outlined above in the root chakra section but placing the crystal at the front area of your throat
Essential Oils for the Throat Chakra
- Lavender, rosemary, frankincense, German chamomile, and hyssop
- Similar therapeutic practice as outlined above in the root chakra section but applying the essential oils with a cotton ball around the throat chakra region located at the front area of your throat
Throat Chakra Affirmations
- I am the expression of the best version of myself.
- I am getting better and better every day at what I do.
- I speak my Truth in a loving and compassionate way.
- I communicate my thoughts and feelings freely and easily.
- I am open, clear, and honest in communicating with others.
- I communicate from a place of clarity.
- I listen to understand.
Yoga for the Throat Chakra
Warrior II, Camel Pose, Bridge Pose, Triangle Pose, Extended Side Angle, Shoulderstand, and Plow Pose.
The third eye chakra is all about trusting your intuition and inner vision.
Third Eye Chakra Meditation
Repeat the same process outlined above in the root chakra section, replacing the corresponding body part and color. So respectively, that’s between your eyebrows (instead of the perineum or pubic bone) and an indigo sphere of light (instead of a red one). Again, connect your heart and third eye chakras by placing each of your hands over them. End your meditation with the grounding process described in the root chakra section.
Crystals for the Third Eye Chakra
- Lapis lazuli, amethyst, fluorite, lepidolite, sugilite, tanzanite, clear quartz, star sapphire, and kyanite
- Similar cleansing process and therapeutic practice as outlined above in the root chakra section but placing the crystal between your eyebrows
Essential Oils for the Third Eye Chakra
- Lavender, frankincense, and sandalwood
- Similar therapeutic practice as outlined above in the root chakra section but applying the essential oils with a cotton ball around the third eye chakra region located between your eyebrows
Third Eye Chakra Affirmations
- I choose to see beauty and goodness in everything everywhere.
- I see my vision clearly and manifest it easily.
- I am divinely guided and always going in the best direction.
- I am calm and clear.
- I am open to the wisdom that dwells inside me.
- I trust my intuition and follow it.
- I am open to inspiration.
Yoga for the Third Eye Chakra
You can wear a blindfold when doing any pose to have more of an inward experience.
The crown chakra is all about becoming more connected with our Inner Divine, as well as our connection to the Divine.
Crown Chakra Meditation
Repeat the same process outlined above in the root chakra section, replacing the corresponding body part and color. So respectively, that’s over the top of your head (instead of the perineum or pubic bone) and a violet sphere of light (instead of a red one). Again, connect your heart and crown chakras by placing each of your hands over them. End your meditation with the grounding process described in the root chakra section.
Crystals for the Crown Chakra
- Amethyst, clear quartz, Herkimer diamond, labradorite, moonstone, selenite, phenacite, kunzite, apophyllite, and white topaz
- Similar cleansing process and therapeutic practice as outlined above in the root chakra section but placing the crystal over the top of your head
Essential Oils for the Crown Chakra
- Frankincense, peppermint, sandalwood, and lotus
- Similar therapeutic practice as outlined above in the root chakra section but applying the essential oils with a cotton ball around the crown chakra region located at the top of your head
Crown Chakra Affirmations
- The awesomeness in me honors the awesomeness in everyone and everything.
- I am a spiritual being in a human body.
- I am connected to the Divine Source.
- God is with me and I am with God.
- I am aligned with my Higher Self.
- I am an infinite being of Light and Love.
- I am pure, beautiful, radiant light.
Yoga for the Crown Chakra
Headstand with the support and guidance of a trained yoga instructor
And that’s about it!
Check out this awesome Crystal Chakra Alignment Set so you can get a hold of 7 crystals, one for each chakra, in this collection rather than getting them separately.

One easy hack that I’d like to mention that I myself do, and something you can do right away as well, is wearing something that matches the color of the chakra.
Another one, as mentioned earlier, is listening to the Daily AWEffirmations while doing the exercises above. It’s a combination set of affirmations and healing music specific for each chakra, on a particular day of the week (1 chakra/day) following the Law of Time (you’ll learn about this in The Path to Awesomeness Starter Kit) to help you attune more to the natural timing frequency (“synchronicity”), thus balancing your chakras and harmonizing your body.
You can check out Margarita’s book for other helpful practical tips you can incorporate into your practice. She also discusses common ailments related to each chakra if you want to work more on that particular area.
But I hope that what we’ve covered so far today is more than enough to get you started on healing yourself.
May you live healthy ever after!
Chakra Healing: A Beginner’s Guide to Self-Healing Techniques that Balance the Chakras
MARGARITA ALCANTARA is a Licensed Acupuncturist, a Reiki Master and Teacher, and a natural empath. In her New York-based private practice, Alcantara Acupuncture & Healing Arts, Margarita helps others reconnect to their inner light and Higher Selves, with knowledge, compassion, and fierce love, by sharing her own brand of powerful healing with them.
In addition to Acupuncture and Reiki, Margarita has a rich knowledge base of multiple adjunctive Acupuncture therapies and wellness disciplines, which she integrates into her patients’ treatment as needed. She believes that physical healing is connected to spiritual and emotional healing, and provides guidance as her treatments activate the release of physical, spiritual, emotional, and other blockages.
Visit her at alcantaraacupuncture.com